Work, Dedication And Results: The Cantu Attitude

Una demanda puede ser estresante, pero cuando tiene un equipo legal para guiarlo y estar con usted en cada paso del camino, se alivia ese estrés.
En Cantu & Cantu queremos que nos dejes las preocupaciones y el estrés de tu demanda.
Permítanos abordar sus objetivos legales, trabajar incansablemente por usted, y obtener el resultado legal que se merece.
Horas de Operación:
Lunes-Viernes: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Sábado: 12:00pm – 3:00 pm
Domingo: Cerrado

Impugnación impugnada
Divorcio de Múltiples Estados
Custodia del Niño
Demandas del Convenio de La Haya
Manutención de los Hijos
Demandas de Paternidad

Property Division
División de Deuda Marcial
Evaluación de Negocios
Acuerdos Matrimoniales
Prenuptial Agreements
Órdenes de protección

Cargos por delitos menores
Intoxicación pública
Asalto agravado
Órdenes de protección
Pedir rebaja

Incumplimiento de contratoDisputas de bienes inmuebles
Defensa de agravios
Reclamaciones equitativas
Disputas de bienes inmuebles
Defensa de agravios
Reclamaciones equitativas

Inmigración a EE. UU.
Visas de No inmigrante
Deportaciones y deportaciones
Apelación de inmigración
Solicitudes de exención
Naturalización y ciudadanía
Autenticación de documentos
Asilo y protección de refugiados

Formación empresarial
Demandas de propietarios de empresas
Defensa empresarial
Testamentos simples
Poder legal duradero
Poder médico
Nombramiento de Guardián
Directiva a los Médicos
Cantu & Cantu es una firma de abogados de familia muy unida, dedicada a lograr los resultados legales que desea. Cuando nos contrata, contrata a un equipo legal con varias personas que trabajan para lograr sus objetivos. En Cantu & Cantu colocamos el “escudo de Cantú” alrededor de nuestros clientes y protegemos sus derechos y luchamos agresivamente por usted.
En Cantu y Cantu entendemos que buscar la empresa adecuada no es fácil. Necesita un equipo legal en el que pueda confiar y de quien dependa. Nuestra misión es proporcionar servicios legales superiores y de alta calidad. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer comodidad, confianza y seguridad de que se cumplirán sus objetivos legales.
Lo que nos diferencia de las otras empresas es nuestra ética de trabajo, agresividad y preparación. Sepa que nuestra firma trabajará incansablemente con usted para brindarle los mejores resultados posibles. Con más de 15 años de experiencia legal, nuestra firma ha obtenido resultados altamente exitosos en todas nuestras áreas de práctica. Brindamos una variedad de servicios legales, así que cuéntenos su problema y le brindaremos asesoramiento legal. Usted merece un equipo legal apasionado que rinda resultados. Elija Cantu & Cantu como su representante legal y sienta la energía, el trabajo duro y la pasión que presentamos.
Nuestro equipo legal se enorgullece de superar la competencia. La preparación minuciosa, la ética de trabajo intensa y la voluntad de luchar celosamente es lo que define a nuestro equipo legal. Conozca al equipo que levantará el Escudo de Cantú y luchará por usted.

Senior Managing Attorney
tel: 214-630-5700
fax: 214-630-5703
Willie Cantu, the heart and soul of the Cantu legal team, began his working career as a United States Marine. After serving his country, he transitioned into law enforcement. He joined the Dallas Police Department in 1985. Throughout his tenure as an officer Willie was given multiple life saving awards, police commendations, and meritorious awards. After 20 years of service with the Dallas Police Department, Willie honorably retired and began practicing law.
Fundó la práctica de la ley de Cantu en 2003 con una concentración en el derecho de familia. Con el paso de los años, amplió el alcance de la práctica y se expandió al derecho civil, penal y comercial. Ahora, con más de 15 años brindando servicios legales como abogado, aporta experiencia, habilidades, pasión y ética laboral. Con una reputación de ganar y ser un litigante experto, Willie espera nada más que los mejores resultados para sus clientes. El estilo agresivo y apasionado de Willie se basa en años de experiencia de prueba (pruebas finales familiares, juicios civiles por jurado y juicios penales por jurado) y miles de clientes representados. Si su demanda se convierte en una batalla legal, él es el abogado que quiere de su lado.
Willie obtuvo su Licenciatura en Artes Aplicadas y Ciencias en la Universidad Bautista de Dallas. Se graduó y recibió su Juris Doctor de la Facultad de Derecho de Texas Wesleyan University y tiene licencia para practicar leyes en Texas. Willie actualmente está trabajando en su Maestría en Asesoramiento Profesional.

Junior Managing Attorney
tel: 214-630-5700
fax: 214-630-5703
Chris Cantu es abogado junior en Cantu & Cantu e hijo de Willie Cantu. A pesar de que recién está comenzando su carrera legal como abogado, ha trabajado en la comunidad legal como asistente legal por más de 7 años. Como asistente legal y estudiante de derecho, ayudó en numerosos juicios con jurado, juicios finales, audiencias, mediaciones y ayudó a publicar notas legales y resúmenes de juicios.
As an attorney he has experience as lead counsel in final trials, temporary orders hearings, temporary restraining order hearings, protective order hearings, mediation, attorney general hearings, criminal jury trials, summary judgment hearings, publishing trial briefs, publishing legal memos, conducting depositions, conducting discovery, drafting motions, and drafting final judgments and orders. With a great start to his legal career (due in large part to the his mentor/father Willie) Chris hopes to follow in his father’s footsteps as a well-respected litigator and zealous defender of his clients. Chris is working on his Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling.
Chris obtuvo su título de Bachelor of Arts de la Southern Methodist University con una Distinción Departamental en Filosofía. En la Universidad Metodista del Sur se especializó en Filosofía y se especializó en Ciencias Políticas. Chris obtuvo su Juris Doctor de la Facultad de Derecho de Texas A & M University en mayo de 2016 y, posteriormente, aprobó el Examen de Abogados de julio de 2016. Él tiene licencia para practicar leyes en Texas.
Chris es miembro de la Texas Young Lawyer Association, The Texas Business Law Section, Texas Criminal Law Law Section, Texas Hispanic Issues Law Section, Texas Family Law Section, Texas Real Estate / Probate / Trust Law Section, Dallas Bar Association, the Sección de Derecho Familiar del Colegio de Abogados de Dallas, la Asociación de Jóvenes Abogados de Dallas y los Abogados de Defensa Criminal de Dallas.

Paralegal/Legal Assistant
tel: 214-630-5700
fax: 214-630-5703
Ben Cantu es el hijo mayor de Willie Cantu y hermano de Chris Cantu. Ha trabajado en la empresa desde sus inicios, el comienzo de la carrera legal de Willie. Ben es un notario público certificado, asistente legal y asistente legal. Tiene 15 años de experiencia en la ley como asistente legal y asistente legal. A través de los años, Ben ha colaborado en la preparación de un jurado, la preparación de un ensayo final, la preparación de un descubrimiento, la redacción de la documentación y la gestión del cliente. Ben se enorgullece de las innumerables horas dedicadas a trabajar con clientes y prestarles servicio. Ben mantiene una buena reputación entre los Tribunales y los abogados a través de sus años de servicio en la comunidad legal.
Ben es un estudiante de pre-ley y aspira a convertirse en abogado y unirse a la oficina de Cantu & Cantu como abogado administrativo.
1750 Valley View Lane, Suite 100
Farmers Branch, TX 75234
tel: 214-630-5700
fax: 214-630-5703
Planes de pago disponibles:
Accept cash, checks, & major credit cards.

Ponemos a nuestros clientes primero y tratamos de establecer un vínculo estrecho con nuestros clientes para que podamos entender mejor la situación de cada cliente. A lo largo de los años, hemos ayudado a cientos de personas en diferentes situaciones. Constantemente recibimos referencias de clientes anteriores y creemos que ayuda a los clientes potenciales a escuchar a clientes anteriores que recibieron la ayuda que necesitaban de nuestro equipo legal. En la búsqueda de sus objetivos legales, es importante contar con el equipo adecuado para ayudarlo a lograr el mejor resultado posible.

I hired Mr. Cantu three days before a scheduled deposition. It was very last minute but he said he would take my case and meet me at the deposition. I showed up early and Mr. Cantu was sitting there waiting for me! Mr. Cantu fights for you. Yes, he does have a lot of cases but it’s because he is really good at winning, which is the end goal.
Mr. Cantu kept me informed on my case and would also advise according to his experience and network. In network as in who he has established a good, professional relationship with. Mr. Cantu knows the DFW family court system and he maintains a good reputation with the courts. I trust Mr. Cantu and his team with my family and my family and I are together today because of his efforts and willingness to never give up even when I wanted to at times.Alvie McNair

Absolutely amazing attorneys! I had been trying to get joint custody of my son for over 7 years. One year ago, I was referred to Cantu Law and met Chris and Willie Cantu. They were the first attorneys I had ever met that truly listened to me and understood the pain and struggle I’d faced as it is almost impossible to get a change of custody as a father in Texas…almost unheard of actually. Chris and Willie fought for me, gave me some hard truths with love and fought for me like I was part of their family! They had no “agendas” and they only cared about getting me more time with my son. And finally, the Judge CHANGED custody and I now have true joint custody! What every other attorney told me was impossible became possible with Chris and Willie! I can never repay them for changing my life but more importantly, giving my son the chance to spend as much time with his father as his mother! -Clint K.Clint Konkle

Chris Cantú took my case 30 min before final trial, went in, and helped me completely win my case. I got more than I asked for in the process and I feel that he did not disrespect my ex wife in any way, rather, he ensured that my daughter had her father in her life. He saved my butt with little preparation in front of a district judge! 9001 stars!Boyd Ocon

Willie and Chris are awesome!! They helped me win my case, winning custody of my kids and also I was awarded the house!! It was a long process, but well worth it!! I highly recommend their law firm for divorce and custody cases!! Thank you so much Willie and Chris!! You guys ROCK!! ~ Cynthia CortezCYNTHIA CORTEZ

If I could rate Willie and his staff 10 stars, I absolutely would! Willie along with Chris, Ben, and Diana have taken care of my custody issues numerous times and have never failed to deliver me a positive result. Being a father in a custody case was though, but Willie made the whole process seaming less. Willie’s passion for helping others along with his knowledge and tenacity in court is why you need him on your side. Letting my previous attorney go and hiring Willie is the reason why I was able to obtain sole custody of my two daughters. If you’re looking for a team with a track record of success, Cantu & Associates is where you need to go!Fernando Gutierrez

They were awesome , the staff very friendly.I was scared and very stressed regarding my custody situation and the fear of losing my child .I was recommended the cantu law firm by a friend of mine,she said i would not be disappointed.This was sooo true to the word .I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders I couldnt have been more satisfied with the outcome . Thank you Chris Cantujean alonso

I had two trials that Willie and his team handled, both civil trials and they won both. We had a very difficult civil suit business case with one of the biggest law firms in Dallas. It lasted over the course of 2 years and we had constant communication with Willie and all his team during that time. Willie handled the case very professionally and was prepared with everything during the whole process from beginning to end. I recommend Willie and his team to everyone I know. As a business owner we know we can count on his firm to handle any of our future legal matters.Arleen Macias

The Cantu law firm took my case that went on a span of five years. It was a custody case that turned into a criminal case due to the mother making false allegations. Not only did we win the criminal case with a NO BILL we won custody in the process as well. His team is very detail oriented and investigate thoroughly. There was not one single hearing in 5 years that his team was not only prepared for but we won every time! They always treated me with the utmost respect as well as my family through all the hard times. They treated me and my family just like family even to this day I can call or text Willie at any point and time and gives me advise or just checks on my family and I! I’m not sure how any negative information that is put on here could possibly be true if they ever were actually a client. I would definitely recommend the Cantu law firm and have recommended to numerous people!Aaron lane

Cantu Law Office helped me with my divorce. Willie and Chris take the time to understand each individual case. They are supportive and provided exactly the legal representation I was looking for. Highly recommended.Nestor Aceituno

Everything went smoothly with my divorce just as he explained, would take place. Recommended my family member, she got her divorce here too.Gd Paulzj1130

My experience with Willie overall has been excellent. He is an expert in this profession and thus far has given me a desirable return on my investment. Willie makes my former lawyer look like a novice lawyer and certainly holds his own against the opposing counsel. I would not hesitate to recommend Willie Cantu to anyone I know. Regarding the money, I think he’s very fair in his pricing and terms of retaining his services.David Akina

(Translated by Google) Delighted with this very professional lawyer his job and very friendly staff. (Original) Encantada con este abogado muy profesional su trabajo y muy agradable personal.Danielle Duran

All I can say is that these guys are awesome! They took very good care me and got me a very good settlement & my ex was really trying to take me to the cleaners but these guys know their stuff and I would refer them to all my friends! Awesome job guys!!!!!Anthony Brown

Good lawyerDouglasReyes